Plants on Display

         The Jersey Pine or Virginai Pine is indicative of the New Jersey Pine Barrens.

         (Plants often have several names. Refer to plant guides and online databases).

American Bladdernut - Staphylea trifolia - Bladdernut Family

Atlantic Ninebark - Physocarpus opulifolius - Rose Family

Eastern Hemlock - Tsuga canadensis - Pine Family

Black Chokeberry - Aronia melanocarpa - Rose Family

Speckled Alder - Alnus incana - Birch Family

Sweet Pepperbush - Clethra alnifolia - White Alder Family

Eastern Red Cedar - Juniperus virginiana - Cypress Family

Black Cherry - Prunus serotina -Rose Family

There are 24 native species in the Rose Family collection including cherry, chokeberry, and crabapple.

Red Spruce - Picea rubens - Pine Family

Red Mulberry - Morus rubra - Mulberry Family

Honeylocust - Gliditsia triancothus -Pea Family

Witherod or Wild Raisin  - Viburnum cassinoides - Honeysuckle Family

Pohatcong Native Arboretum is predominantly a labelled native woody plant collection. There are also some herbaceous plants including wildflowers, grasses, ferns, sedges, and rushes.                                     

Queen of the Meadow

                Photos by Tom Drake

New England Aster

   Photo by Florafinder 

Giant Goldenrod

The guidelines for selecting the common plant names at Pohatcong Native Arboretum are as follows:

(The plant identification plaques are designed with one space for the common name).

• Selection of the most widely used common plant names in the profession for New Jersey

• Consistency within the plant's genus. Example: Sugar Maple, Red Maple, Silver Maple, Boxelder Maple, Striped Maple

• Avoiding redundancy between the botanical name and the common name. Example: Cornus alternifolia - Pagoda Dogwood,  Juniperus communis - Mountain Juniper

• The name most descriptive of the plant's characteristics 

• The name most indicative of the plant's geographic range

• Capitalization of proper names

There are many amazingly, wonderful plant names. And we have our favorites! This system evolved over the years at the arboretum. So keep indulging in and exploring the many wildly, fascinating plant names.

Pohatcong Native Arboretum - Collection Statistics and Plant Records  

Compiled December 16, 2019 and April 25, 2020

Total - Trees, shrubs, and vines in the whole collection - 257 woody plants

Total - Native trees, shrubs, and vines in the collection - 247 native woody plants

Total - Out of range woody plants  - 10 woody plants

Total number of native woody plants in the primary native plant collection - 170 species of native woody plants

Total  number of native woody plants in Original planting, Fall 2002 - 54 species of native woody plants 

Total - Native woody plants from nurseries labelled in the native plant collection- 103 native woody species

Total - Out of range plants from nurseries - 6 plants

Total - Native woody plants from nurseries including out of range and secondary plants- 164 native woody plants

Total - Native woody Plants already present on site then labelled in the native plant collection- 29 woody plants  

Total number of installed (planted) native woody plants in the primary native plant collection - 141 native woody plants

Total number of native woody plants already on site in the primary native plant collection - 29 native woody plants

Ratio - 4.17 installed native woody plants to every 1 native woody plant already on site

Total - Native woody plants already present on site not labelled - 39 woody plants

Total number of installed (planted) woody plants in the whole collection - 186 woody plants

Total number of woody plants already present on site in the whole collection - 72 woody plants

Ratio - 2.26 woody plants installed to every 1 woody plant already present on site

Total - Transplants from the wild native woody plants labelled in the native plant collection- 16 plants

Total - Transplants from the wild native woody plants not labelled - 7 plants

Total number of native woody plants labelled in the primary native plant collection - 146 species of native woody plants +2

Total number of plants mortality labelled (empty ID plaques) - 14 native woody plants + 1 * (subtract from living)

Total number of unlabelled plants in the collection - 54 * 

Total - Native woody plants from nurseries in the secondary collection labelled -4 plants

Total - Native woody plants in the secondary collection already present on site then labelled - 15 plants

Total - Transplants from the wild native woody plants in the secondary collection labelled - 3 plants

Total - Secondary plants labelled - 22 plants

Total - Out of range woody plants labelled - 10 woody plants

Total number of IDENTICATION LABELS at Pohatcong Native Arboretum - 198 LABELS

Total of 198 labels minus 14 mortality labelled (empty or loose)  = 184 labelled plants alive + 

54 unlabelled plants+ 13 new unlabelled plants* = 257 (251)  woody plants in the Living Collection

MAJOR PLANTINGS: Fall 2002, Fall 2011, Spring 2012, Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2013

Trees, Shrubs, and Vines already present on site then labelled (local genotypes)

~Denotes plants not in the primary collection

Acer negundo - Boxelder Maple

Acer rubrum - Red Maple - 2

Amelanchier canadensis - Shadbush ~

Betula allegheniensis - Yellow Birch ~ - 2 

Carpinus caroliniana - Ironwood ~

Carya ovata - Shagbark Hickory 

Celastrus scandens - American Bittersweet  - (not labelled)

Chimaphila maculata - Striped Wintergreen

Clematis virginiana - Virgins Bower

Cornus amomum - Silky Dogwood

Corylus cornuta - Beaked Hazelnut ~

Fraxinus nigra - Black Ash

Fraxinus pennsylvanica - Green Ash - 2

Gladitsia triancanthos - Honeylocust

Ilex verticillata - Winterberry Holly ~

Juglans nigra - Black Walnut

Liriodendron tulipifera - Tulip Tree

Malus coronaria - American Crabapple

Menispermum canadense - Moonseed

Mitchella ripens - Partridgeberry

Nysa sylvatica - Black Gum ~

Prunus pennsylvanica - Fire or Pin Cherry

Prunus serotina - Black Cherry

Quercus bicolor - Swamp White Oak ~

Quercus paulustris - Pin Oak

Rhus typhina - Staghorn Sumac

Salix nigra - Black Willow

Smilax glauca - Catbriar

Smilax rotundifolia - Greenbriar

Toxicodendron radicans - Poison Ivy

Vitis aestivalis - Summer Grape

Vitis labrusca - Fox Grape

Vitis riparia - Riverbank Grape

Vitis vulpina - Frost Grape

Ulmus americana - American Elm

Ulmus rubra - Slippery Elm

Viburnum dentatum - Arrowwood ~

Viburnum lentago - Nannyberry  ~

Viburnum prunifolium - Blackhaw Viburnum ~

Trees, Shrubs, and Vines collected in the wild and transplanted to the arboretum grounds (local genotypes in addition to genotypes from nurseries)

+ Denotes Mortality

Acer pensylvanicum - Striped Maple

Alnus incana - Speckled Alder

Celtis occidentalis - Hackberry

Chamaecyparis thyoides - Atlantic White Cedar

Chimaphila maculata - Striped Wintergreen +

Cornus amomum - Silky Dogwood +

Corylus cornuta - Beaked Hazelnut - n/a

Gaultheria procumbens - Teaberry

Gaylussacia dumosa - Dwarf Huckleberry +

Gaylussacia frondosa - Dangleberry - n/a

Hydrangea arborescens - Wild Hydrangea +

Ilex laevigata - Smooth Winterberry

Juniperus virginiana - Eastern Red Cedar + - 2

Kalmia latifolia - Mountain Laurel +++

Kalmia angustifolia - Sheep Laurel +

Lindera benzoin - Spicebush

Mitchella repens -Patridgeberry

Ostrya virginiana - Hophornbeam + - 1

Picea pungens - Colorado Blue Spruce*

Picea rubens - Red Spruce - 2

Populus deltoides - Eastern Cottonwood

Prunus americana - Wild Plum - 2

Prunus avium - Sweet Cherry *

Prunus serotina - Black Cherry +

Rhododendron maximum - Rosebay Rhododendron +

Ribes americanum - Black Currant

Ribes glandulosum - Skunk Currant

Rubus canadensis - Smooth Blackberry +

Rubus ideaus - Wild Red Raspberry +

Rubus flagellaris - Prickly Dewberry +

Rubus hispdus - Bristly Dewberry +

Salix spp - Salix species

Salix spp - Salix species

Tilia americana - Basswood

Toxicodendron vernix - Swamp Poison Sumac + (lived for 4 years!)

Vaccinium stamineum - Deerberry

Viburnum acerifolium - Mapleleaf Viburnum +++

Total collected - 55 woody plants approximately. Total Survived - 29 woody plants (three plants removed later). Survival rate 53%, Mortality rate 47%

Of the above 34 species there are now 26 species in the collection after additional nursery planting and on site labeling (refer to master list under Native Plant Collection)

Plants from Original Planting in Fall, 2002 - Mortality (including over 18 year period)

Denotes - Survived until 2019~

Denotes - Replaced and Alive as of 12/19 ^

Acer spicatum - Mountain Maple

Chamaedaphne calycuata - Leatherleaf ~

Comptonia peregrina - Sweet Fern ~^

Cornus alternifolia - Pogada Dogwood ^

Cornus racemosa - Grey Dogwood ^

Hydrangea quercifolia - Oakleaf Hydrangea

Kalmia latitfolia - Moutain Laurel

Rhododendron periclymenoides - Pinxterbloom Azelea ^

Rosa paulustris - Swamp Rose ^

Spireae latifolia - Meadowsweet ^

Spireae tomentosa - Steeplebush ^

Vaccinium fuscatum - Black Highbush Blueberry

Viburnum acerifolium - Mapleleaf Viburnum

Viburnum trilobum - Cranberry Viburnum ~^

Number of plants to survive  - 39 plants. Mortality - 15 plants (after 18 years)

Survival Rate - 72.3%.   Mortality Rate - 27.3%

Number of plants to survive until 2019 - 42 plants - Survival Rate - 77%. Mortality Rate - 23%

Recent Planting Records by Year - Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Fall 2018, Summer 2019, Fall 2019

Fall 2014

Cercis canadensis - Red Bud

Chamaecyparis thyoides - Atlantic White Cedar

Chimaphila maculata - Striped Wintergreen +

Gautheria procumbens - Teaberry

Celtis occidentalis - Hackberry

Kalmia angustifolia - Sheep Laurel +

Vaccinium stamineum - Deerberry

Total - 7              Mortality - 2          28% Mortality       Added - 5 Plants      

ArchWild Nursery - Fall - 2014

 Clethra acuminata - Mountain Sweet Pepperbush +

Cornus alternifolia - Pagoda Dogwood

Decumaria barbara - Woodvamp +

Euonymous atropurpureus - Eastern Wahoo

Hydrandea quercifolia - Oakleaf Hydrangea (sprayed)

Juniperus communis - Mountain Juniper

Morus rubra - Red Mulberry (N/A)

Quercus ilicifolia - Bear Oak

Pinus echinata - Shortleaf Pine (mower)

Sambucus racemosa - Red Elderberry +

Viburnum acerifolium - Mapleleaf Viburnum +

Xanthorhiza simplicissima - Yellowroot +

Total - 9         Mortality - 5            Added - 4 Plants (And they are beauties!)

Spring 2015

Picea mariana - Black Spruce

Populus tremuloides - Quaking Aspen

Thuja occidentalis - Northern White Cedar

Total - 3           Mortality - 0               100% Survival      Added - 3 Plants

Summer 2018

Lonicera sempervirens - Trumpet Honeysuckle

Added - 1 Plant

Fall 2018 - Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve Nursery (BHWP)

Spireae tomentosa - Steeplebush

Gaylussacia demosa - Dwarf Huckleberry

Lyonia ligustrina - Maleberry

Rosa paulustris - Swamp Rose

Vaccinium macrocarpon - Cranberry +

Ribes rotundifolium - Appalachain Gooseberry (Toadshade Wildflower Farm)

Added - 5 Plants

Summer 2019 - Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve Nursery 

Rhus aromatic - Fragrant Sumac

Ceonanthus americanus - New Jersey Tea

Crataegus mollis - Downy Hawthorn

Sprireae latifolia - Meadowsweet

Hypericum prolificum - Shrubby St. Johnswort

Hamamelis virginiana - Witch Hazel (Toadshade Wildflower Farm)

Added - 6 Plants

Fall 2019 - Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve Nursery 

Cornus florida - Flowering Dogwood

Comptonia peregrina - Sweet Fern

Viburnum trilobum - Cranberry Viburnum

Rhododendron maximum - Rosebay Rhododendron

Gaylussacia angustifolium - Late Lowbush Blueberry

Calycanthus floridus - Carolina Allspice

Maclura pomifera - Osage Orange * (non-native)

Aronia prunifolia - Purple Chokeberry (Toadshade Wildflower Farm)

Added - 7 Natives           Total - Plants from BHWP  - 16 Native Woody Plants 

Plants present on site then labelled added to the collection 2014 to 2019

Vitis vulpina - Frost Grape

Menispermum canadense - Moonseed

Smilax glauca - Catbriar

Added - 3 Plants

GRAND TOTAL - Native Woody Plants added to the collection 2014 to 2019 - 35 Plants

Number of plants added Summer 2018, Fall 2018, Summer 2019, and  Fall 2019 - 23 Plants

Fall 2020 - Edge of the Woods Native Plant Nursery

Populus grandidentata - Bigtooth Aspen

Symphoricarpos albus - Snowberry

Cornus amomum - Silky Dogwood *

Symphoricarpos orbiculatus - Coralberry

Hydrangea quercifolia - Oakleaf Hydrangea

Sorbus americana - Mountain Ash

Salix discolor - Pussy Willow

Vaccinium macrocarpon - Cranberry

Ribes cynosboti - Eastern Prickly Gooseberry

Rhododendron arborescens - Smooth Azalea

Rhododendron viscosum - Swamp Azalea *

Pinus resinosa - Red Pine

Replaced -  6 Plants Total Added - 10 Plants

Fall 2020 - Archewild Native Nurseries

Kalmia latifolia - Mountain Laurel

Viburnum acerifolium - Mapleleaf Viburnum

Xanthorhiza simplicissima - Yellowroot

Castenea dentata - American Chestnut

Castenea pumila - Dwarf Chestnut

Replaced - 4 Plants Total Added - 5 Plants

Fall 2020 - Well-Sweep Herb Farm

Cornus canadensis - Bunchberry

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - Bearberry

Ledum groenlandicum - Labrador Tea

Ceanathus americanus - New Jersey Tea

Celastrus scandens - American Bittersweat 'Indian Brave and Maiden'

Replace - 1 Plant Total Added - 5

Fall 2020 - Toadshade 

Rubus idaeus ssp. strigosus - Wild Red Raspberry

Aronia prunifolium - Purple Chokeberry

Rubus oderatus - Purple Flowering Raspberry

Rubus flagellaris - Northern Dewberry


Fall 2021 TOTAL ADDED - 23 approximately

Fall 2023 TOTAL ADDED - 16

Fall 2023 - Archwild Native Nurseries

Calycanthus floridus - Carolina Allspice

Carya illinoinensis - Pecan

Cornus alternifolia - Pagoda Dogwood

Magnolia tripetala - Umbrella Magnolia

Oxydendrum arboreum - Sourwood

Pinus taeda - Loblolly Pine

Populus deltoides - Eastern Cottonwood

Rhododendron periclymenoides - Pinxterbloom Azalea

Rhododendron viscosum - Swamp Azalea

Rhus aromatica - Fragrant Sumac

Rosa virginiana - Virginia Rose

Fall 2023 - Gino's Native Nursery

Betula lenta - Sweet Birch

Ceanothus americanus - New Jersey Tea

Rhododendron maximum - Rosebay Rhododendron

Viburnum acerifolium - Mapleleaf Viburnum

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - Bearberry

Our experience of planting at Pohatcong Native Arboretum.

To give an idea of the persistence it has taken to build this native plant collection, from the arboretum's inception in 2002, with the initial planting of 54 species, until the present, April 2020, a total of over 77 trees, shrubs, and vines, mostly ones added, including some transplants, have been lost due to mortality

From Spring 2015 to Spring 2020, approximately 33 plant species died from the primary native plant collection. Plant mortality has presented a constant challenge against stabilizing and increasing the native plant collection.

Drought, limited irrigation ability, unfavorable site conditions, disease, size, transplanting stress, accidents, and the fact that plants just die, have all contributed to mortality. Certain species have been planted multiple times, and in the case of the Mapleleaf Viburnum, still have not survived. 

Between 2013 and 2017 we went all out to nurture the trees already planted. Applied seven rounds of fertilizers, dragged many a hoses, and even watered with buckets from the river. It's a small miracle we got all those plants to live!     

159 species of native trees, shrubs, and vines organized into 42 families and 88 genera 

      The Native Woody Plant Collection - Pohatcong Native Arboretum