Native Plant Collection

Pohatcong Native Arboretum

Native Woody Plant Collection

155 species of native trees, shrubs, and vines organized into approximately 40 families and 85 genera 

The plants are identified and labelled by common, family, genus, and species name.

  Red Chokeberry  Aronia arbutifolia  Rose Family

Native Woody Plant Collection

All of the following plants are alive as of October 2023 unless otherwise indicated. Plant mortality has presented a constant challenge to stabilizing and increasing the collection. In 2018 and 2019, there where 23 species altogether added to the living plant collection. A replacement and expansion planting of 27 species occurred in Fall 2020. Seven plants were added in Fall 2021 and 16 in Fall 2023. It's a small miracle we got all those plants to live! 

+ Mortality - Labelled

* Out of Range Species

Acer negundo – Boxelder Maple 

Acer pensylvanicum – Striped Maple 

Acer rubrum – Red Maple - 3

Acer saccharinum – Silver Maple 

Acer saccharum – Sugar Maple 

Acer spicatum - Mountain Maple + (not labelled)

Alnus glutinosa – European Alder *

Alnus incana – Speckled Alder

Alnus serrulata – Smooth Alder - 2

Amelanchier aborea – Serviceberry

Amelanchier canadensis – Shadbush - 3

Amelanchier laevis – Juneberry

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - Bearberry 

Aronia arbutifolia - Red Chokeberry

Aronia melanocarpa - Black Cokeberry - 2

Aronia prunifolia - Purple Chokeberry - 2

Asimina triloba – Paw Paw - 2

Betula alleghaniensis – Yellow Birch - 4

Betula lenta – Sweet Birch

Betula nigra – River Birch

Betula papyrifera – Paper Birch 

Betula populifolia – Gray Birch - 4 

Calycanthus floridus - Carolina Allspice (not labelled) 

Campsis radicans - Trumpet Creeper *

Carpinus caroliniana – Ironwood - 5

Carya cordiformis – Bitternut Hickory

Carya glabra – Pignut Hickory

Carya illinoinensis - Pecan

Carya ovata – Shagbark Hickory - 2

Carya tomentosa – Mockernut Hickory

Castenea dentatum – American Chestnut +

Castenea pumila - Dwarf Chestnut (not labelled) +

Ceanothus americanus – New Jersey Tea  

Celastrus orbiculatus – Oriental Bittersweet *

Celastrus scandens - American Bittersweet 'Indian Brave and Indian Maiden' (not labelled)

Celtis occidentalis – Hackberry - 2

Cephalanthus occidentalis – Buttonbush - 2

Cercis canadensis – Redbud

Chamaecyparis thyoides – Atlantic White Cedar

Chamaedaphne calyculata - Leatherleaf +

Chimaphila maculata – Striped Wintergreen (along trail)

Chionanthus virginicus - Fringe Tree (not labelled)

Clematis virginiana – Virgins Bower

Clethra acuminata – Mountain Sweet Pepperbush +

Clethra alnifolia – Sweet Pepperbush

Comptonia peregrina – Sweet Fern  +

Cornus alternifolia – Pagoda Dogwood 

Cornus amomum – Silky Dogwood - 4

Cornus canadensis -Bunchberry (not labelled) +

Cornus florida – Flowering Dogwood - 4

Cornus florida - "Cherokee Princess" +

Cornus racemosa – Gray Dogwood - 3

Cornus sericea – Redosier Dogwood - 2

Corylus americana – American Hazelnut - 2

Corylus cornuta – Beaked Hazelnut - 3

Crataegus mollis - Downy Hawthorne

Crateagus viridis – Green Hawthorne 'Winter King' *

Decumaria barbara - Woodvamp +

Euonymous americanus – Strawberry Bush

Euonymous atropurpureus – Eastern Wahoo

Fagus grandifolia – American Beech

Fraxinus americana – White Ash +

Fraxinus nigra – Black Ash

Fraxinus pennsylvanica – Green Ash +

Gaultheria procumbens - Teaberry - 2 +

Gaylussacia baccata – Black Huckleberry +

Gaylussacia dumosa – Dwarf Huckleberry +

Gaylussacia frondosa – Dangleberry +

Gladitsia triancanthos – Honeylocust 

Hamamelis virginiana – Witch Hazel

Hamamelis vernalis - Ozark Witch Hazel *

Hydrangea arborescens – Wild Hydrangea

Hydrangea quercifolia – Oakleaf Hydrangea +

Hypericum prolificum - Shrubby St. Johnswort

Ilex opaca– American Holly 

Ilex glabra – Inkberry Holly

Ilex laevigata – Smooth Winterberry

Ilex verticillata – Winterberry - 4

Itea virginica – Virginia Sweetspire - 2

Juglans cinerea - Butternut

Juglans nigra – Black Walnut - 2

Juniperus communis – Mountain Juniper

Juniperus virginiana – Eastern Red Cedar - 5

Kalmia angustifolia – Sheep Laurel +

Kalmia latifolia – Mountain Laurel 

Larix laricina - Tamarak

Ledum groenlandicum - Labrador Tea (not labelled)+

Lindera bezoin – Spicebush

Liriodendron tulipifera – Tulip Tree - 2

Lonicera sempervirens - Trumpet Honeysuckle "Major Wheeler" 

Lyonia ligustrina - Maleberry 

Maclura pomifera - Osage Orange * (not labelled)

Magnolia tripetala - Umbrella Magnolia

Magnolia virginiana – Sweetbay Magnolia

Malus coronaria – American Crabapple - 3

Menispermum canadense - Moonseed (not labelled)

Mitchella repens – Patridgeberry (along trail)

Morella pennsylvanica – Northern Bayberry

Morus rubra – Red Mulberry 

Nyssa sylvatica – Black Gum - 5

Ostrya virginiana – Hophornbeam - 2

Oxydrendrum arboreum – Sourwood 

Parthenocissus quinquefolia – Virginia Creeper 

Physocarpus opulifolius – Atlantic Ninebark - 2

Picea abies – Norway Spruce * 

Picea glauca White Spruce

Picea mariana – Black Spruce

Picea pungens – Colorado Blue Spruce *

Picea rubens – Red Spruce - 2

Pinus echinata – Shortleaf Pine + 

Pinus resinosa – Red Pine 

Pinus rigida – Pitch Pine

Pinus strobus – White Pine - 2

Pinus sylvestris - Scotch Pine *

Pinus taeda - Loblolly Pine

Pinus virginiana – Jersey Pine

Platanus occidentalis – Sycamore

Populus deltoides – Eastern Cottonwood 

Populus grandidentata - Bigtooth Aspen (not labelled)

Populus tremuloides – Quaking Aspen 

Ptelea trifoliata – Hop Tree

Prunus americana – Wild Plum 

Prunus avium – Sweet Cherry *

Prunus pennsylvanica – Fire Cherry

Prunus serotina – Black Cherry - 3

Prunus virginiana – Choke Cherry

Quercus alba – White Oak 

Quercus bicolor – Swamp White Oak - 2

Quercus bicolor - Swamp White Oak - > circa 1575

Quercus coccinea – Scarlet Oak

Quercus ilicifolia – Bear Oak

Quercus marilandica - Blackjack Oak (not labelled)

Quercus palustris – Pin Oak 

Quercus prinus – Chestnut Oak

Quercus rubra – Northern Red Oak

Quercus velutina – Black Oak

Rhododendron arborescens - Smooth Azalea (not labelled) +

Rhododendron maximum – Rosebay Rhododendron 

Rhododendron periclymenoides - Pinxterbloom Azalea 

Rhododendron viscosum – Swamp Azalea 

Rhus aromatica – Fragrant Sumac 

Rhus copallinum – Winged Sumac 

Rhus glabra – Smooth Sumac 

Rhus typhina – Staghorn Sumac 

Ribes americanum – Black Currant +

Ribes cynosbati - Eastern Prickly Gooseberry (not labelled)

Ribes glandulosum – Skunk Currant +

Ribes rotundifolium – Appalachian Gooseberry +

Rosa carolina – Pasture Rose +

Rosa palustris – Swamp Rose +

Rosa virginiana – Virginia Rose

Rubus allegheniensis – Blackberry 

Rubus canadensis – Smooth Blackberry +

Rubus flagellaris – Northern Dewberry +

Rubus hispidus - Bristly Dewberry (along trail)

Rubus idaeus – Wild Red Raspberry 

Rubus odoratus - Purple Flowering Raspberry (not labelled)

Rubus occidentalis – Black Raspberry 

Rubus phoenicolasius - Wineberry * (not labelled)

Salix discolor – Pussy Willow 

Salix nigra – Black Willow - 5 (stormwater basin)

Salix sericea – Silky Willow

Salix species – Shrub Willow

Salix species – Shrub Willow

Sambucus canadensis – Black Elderberry 

Sambucus racemosa – Red Elderberry +

Sassafras albidum – Sassafras

Smilax glauca - Cat Greenbriar (along trail)

Smilax rotundifolia - Greenbrier (along trail)

Sorbus americana - Mountain Ash (not labelled)

Spireae latifolia – Meadowsweet 

Spireae tomentosa - Steeplebush 

Staphylea trifolia – American Bladdernut 

Symphoricarpos albus - Snowberry +

Symphoricarpos orbiculatus - Coralberry

Thuja occidentalis - Northern White Cedar

Tilia americana - Basswood

Toxicodendron radicans – Poison Ivy (along trail)

Toxicodendron vernix – Swamp Poison Sumac +

Tsuga canadensis – Eastern Hemlock

Vaccinium angustifolium – Late Lowbush Blueberry 

Vaccinium corymbosum – Highbush Blueberry - 3

Vaccinium fuscatum - Black Highbush Blueberry + (not labelled)

Vaccinium macrocarpon - Cranberry (not labelled) +

Vaccinium pallidum – Early Lowbush Blueberry +

Vaccinium stamineum - Deerberry

Viburnum acerfolium – Mapleleaf Virburnum 

Viburnum cassinoides - Witherod

Viburnum dentatum – Arrowwood 

Viburnum dentatum - Arrowwood "Blue Muffin" - 3

Viburnum lentago - Nannyberry - 6

Viburnum nudum - Possumhaw

Viburnum prunifolium – Blackhaw Viburnum - 5

Viburnum opulus var. americanum – Cranberry Viburnum 

Vitis aestivalis – Summer Grape (not labelled)

Vitis labrusca – Fox Grape 

Vitis riparia – Riverbank Grape 

Vitis vulpina - Frost Grape (not labelled) 

Ulmus americana – American Elm - 2

Ulmus rubra – Slippery Elm - 3

Xanthorhiza simplicissima – Yellowroot +

+ Mortality - Labelled and 

* Out of Range Species (Not included in grand total)  

Researched, Collected, and Assembled by Anthony C. Pasquini

Pohatcong Native Arboretum purchased plants from 30 different nurseries and acquired select others, in a ceremonial way, on plant-finding missions on lands around the state of New Jersey.  

Thanks to all the nursery growers for the great plants! 

Of the 155 species of native woody plants in the collection at least 65% are local genotypes!


We love our rivers. We love our forests. And of course, we love our native plants. 

Native plant collections are perpetually expanding and being created all across America; and at public gardens and arboreta all over the world.     


Pohatcong Native Arboretum

54 Mine Hill Road

Washington, New Jersey 07882
